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A journey to another dimension by the hand of Cevitxef

A journey to another dimension by the hand of Cevitxef

They also describe their culinary experience: a trip to another dimension of flavors.

Because in Ibiza we are lovers of good food and fans of diverse experiences, we have the opportunity to embark (and offer) on this type of gastronomic adventures.

And from Eating in Ibiza we want you to get on our boat heading to Cevitxef.

Destination: Peru

plato de zamburinas de cevitxef

Peruvian cuisine is not common nor easy to find, like Mexican and Argentine cuisine, for example.

That is, probably, one of the things that makes Cevitxef a very special restaurant: its signature cuisine with a Peruvian tendency.

By definition it is fusion cuisine due to its long multicultural history, and the mixture of culinary knowledge from ancient Peru with Hispanic cuisine and important contributions from the culinary customs of sub-Saharan Africa.

Not for nothing is it considered "Cultural Heritage of the Americas for the World". And if you decide eat in Ibiza, you have the opportunity to discover what's happening on the other side of the pond.

Arrival at port

salmon de cevitxef

The important thing is what exactly you will find at Cevitxef.

The menu is divided intohot and cold options, in addition to having an extensive list of wines, vermouths and cocktails.

As cold dishes, you can order different causa (a Peruvian dish prepared with mashed yellow potatoes and crushed chili), the thinly sliced raw fish called tiradito, or go directly to the fish, shrimp or squid ceviches.

Among the hot dishes you can find seafood prepared in different ways, noodles, shrimp, fish... All with the most stimulating combinations of flavors.

They have vegetarian and vegan options so that everyone can enjoy it.

The end of the journey

interior restaurante cevitxef

After having given your taste buds a treat, we encourage you to stay a moment longer admiring the interior care and letting yourself be hypnotized by the lighting, or breathing the fresh air on the terrace.

Accompany this moment with a delicious dessert like the tres leches cake, or calmly finish your glass while you return to the present after this trip in time to another dimension: your imagination.

Because there is nothing better than letting yourself be carried by your senses to the place where you want to be.

Reserve a table at Cevitxef

If you have decided to take this trip, we encourage you to visit this incredible restaurant in the heart of Dalt Vila.

You can reserve your table by contacting their team:

For more information about this or other restaurants, you can consult our Ibiza restaurant guide.

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Fomento del Turismo de la Isla de Ibiza 2022