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Winter of fusion cuisine in Ibiza: Mira y Overall

Winter of fusion cuisine in Ibiza: Mira y Overall

The quiet months of the year are coming to the island (not the cold).

But we must not confuse this calm with boredom, and in Ibiza during this time our wonders come to light.

With gastronomy, it was not going to be different. And we invite you to join us during this new winter season.

Eat well, eat in Ibiza

chef emplatando plato de cocina fusion <

Honestly, it is something to be proud of our extensive history and rich gastronomic culture, since we have been able to maintain our origins and let other cuisines drink from them.

It is the land of rice and fish, meats and vegetables from the red land, which are enjoyed in bullits, guistats, sofrits...

But not only that! We can say that we are pioneers in fusion, in intermingling our roots with those of others, without losing even a bit of our essence.

Michelin Stars, Repsol Suns and Suns... In short, eating in Ibiza is eating well.

And we come to demonstrate it with two of our fusion cuisine partners whom you can visit throughout the year.

Mira Ibiza, where the views accompany the delights

cocina fusion de mira ibiza

In this restaurant in the Ibiza marina you can breathe freshness not only because of its privileged location next to the sea, but also because of the use of organic and local products.

A simple menu of legendary dishes from Mediterranean cuisine combined with exotic touches, with fish, seafood, fruits and vegetables as the main element.

At this meeting point, in addition to delicious cuisine, they offer cocktails and live music so that the experience is a moment of disconnection, reconnection with your loved ones and the most exciting Ibiza.

And all with Dalt Vila as a backdrop.

Can there be anything better?

Overall's ecstasy

plato de overall ibiza

A dream born of love, and a restaurant that is born from the need to remain constantly changing, stimulated. It's impossible to get bored of Overall.

They are entirely dedicated to the study of taste and methods of its extraction and conservation, something they have been working on for more than 15 years in Spain, England and Singapore, to end up bringing it to the heart of Santa Gertrudis.

Its menu is based on innovation, so you can constantly enjoy a different gastronomic journey.

The concept of the establishment, built as a “chef table” where you can enjoy directly in front of the chefs and bartenders, makes it an exceptional place as well as interesting that we encourage you to discover.

More than once, if possible.

Reserve your table

Does what we have explained to you sound good?

Then do not hesitate to reserve your table at:

Mira Ibiza


Bon appétit!

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Fomento del Turismo de la Isla de Ibiza 2022