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Mediterranean cuisine in Ibiza: what's so special about it?

Mediterranean cuisine in Ibiza: what's so special about it?

Mediterranean cuisine is a culinary gem that has conquered the hearts and palates of people around the world...

Although this gastronomic tradition spans the coastal regions of the Mediterranean, including not only Spain, but also Italy and Greece, being on a small island in the centre we still maintain our specific characteristics.

Immerse yourself in the richness of flavours, fresh ingredients and healthy recipes that characterize it.

What is Mediterranean Cuisine?

Mediterranean cuisine is much more than a diet; it's a lifestyle.

Combine a variety of fresh and healthy foods with the enjoyment of meals in good company with friends or family.

At the heart of this cuisine are ingredients such as olive oil, vegetables, legumes, nuts and fresh fish in unique and stimulating combinations.

History and origins

ingredients mediterranean cuisine on the table

To fully understand Mediterranean cuisine, it is important to know its history and origins.

This culinary tradition dates back thousands of years, to ancient civilizations, such as the Greeks and Romans: its proximity to the Mediterranean Sea greatly influenced the availability of fresh ingredients and the way they were cooked.

In Ibiza it was no different, our cuisine developing through the Phoenician, Punic, Roman and Arab cultures.

In the end, like most culinary trends, it depends on the raw materials that could be obtained in the first moments of its existence.

Health benefits

Why has it become an extremely popular diet beyond our waters?

One of the most notable aspects of Mediterranean cuisine is its positive impact on health. Numerous studies have shown that following a Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions. This is due to the abundance of foods rich in antioxidants and healthy fats.

And these benefits are at your fingertips!

Olive oil: Liquid gold

olive oil mediterranean cuisine

Olive oil is a fundamental pillar of this diet because it is rich in monounsaturated fats.

Helps reduce LDL cholesterol and maintain heart health. In addition, it adds an unmatched flavour to our dishes.

If you have contacts, we recommend trying one from a local Ibizan producer like Ibiza Oil... You won't be disappointed. Word.

Abundance of antioxidants

Fresh fruits and vegetables are an inexhaustible source of antioxidants. These compounds fight free radicals and promote radiant skin and optimal health.

In addition, they add freshness to all recipes so that you will never get tired of eating.

The Mediterranean cuisine of Ibiza

The beautiful island of Ibiza, bathed by the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean, has a culinary tradition that combines the best of Mediterranean cuisine with native flavours and a multicultural influence.

Here, fresh ingredients are found in abundance and used to create delicious and healthy dishes that capture the spirit of the island.

Local flavours

the salt marshes of ibiza

One of the most emblematic ingredients of Ibizan cuisine is Ibiza salt.

This high-quality sea salt is traditionally collected from local salt pans and used to season fresh fish and seafood dishes.

In addition, the island is known for its olives, figs, capers and aromatic herbs such as thyme and rosemary, which are used in abundance in local cuisine.

And, obviously, we cannot forget our delicious fish and meats from local fishermen and ranchers like Peix Nostrum and Carn & Coop.

Where to try Mediterranean cuisine in Ibiza?

During these winter months, you have the opportunity to try Mediterranean cuisine with the most Ibizan character from some of our partners.

They remain open during the coldest months of the year:

If you want to discover more restaurants and gastronomy, don't miss our blog posts.

Join us in this exciting season!

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Fomento del Turismo de la Isla de Ibiza 2022