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Promotional video Eating in Ibiza

It's here already!

Because a picture is worth a thousand words, we are happy to present the Eating in Ibiza promotional video in pictures.

Through this short video full of joy, color and passion, we want to remind you of the happiness that comes from sharing moments among friends or family, around a table.


And what better than to enjoy these moments on an island as spectacular as Ibiza?

The gastronomic variety offered on the island is immense. An offer so wide that it fits each of us or every moment of our lives.

We decided to prepare a groundbreaking and "live" video because we hope to convey the fervor of our work at Eating in Ibiza, and that of all the professionals who make Ibiza, little by little, a gastronomic destination.


For the moment, this video will be broadcast until the end of January 2021 on the Balearic Islands' television channel (IB3) and of course it is already published on Eating in Ibiza's social networks; but as soon as the situation allows, this video will follow us in all the actions we can organize, or participate in, on the peninsula and throughout Europe.

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Fomento del Turismo de la Isla de Ibiza 2022