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Eating in Ibiza in winter: savour the island!

Eating in Ibiza in winter: savour the island!

Summer is coming to an end and little by little there is a more authentic atmosphere on the island, away from the hustle and bustle of the last months.

And that also carries over to the gastronomic field.

What do you think about eating Ibiza in bites this winter?

Flavours of the land and the sea

cerdo ibicenco

Our heritage goes far beyond history: numerous chefs and cooks have been influenced by our own culinary traditions.

Meats such as chicken, lamb, pork (porc negre eivissenc if possible) and Ibiza rabbit are widely used throughout the white island.

As for flavours of the sea, we can affirm without a doubt that the stars are usually monkfish, “rotja”, rooster... Mostly coastal or rock fish.

A curious thing is that almond is a must both in desserts and in cooking in general, just like saffron and “all species” (Jamaican pepper).

If we talk about vegetables and flavours from the countryside, onion, tomato, green and red pepper, potato (mostly red), pebrassos, chard, cauliflower and white cabbage, and Garlic and parsley are essential.

The use of these ingredients predates the arrival of tourism to the island, when people ate what was raised, hunted or fished.

And it endures today.

What can you eat in Ibiza in winter?

frita de polp ibicenca

And we specifically say “in Ibiza” because the restaurant offering during this time of year continues to be abundant, so it is not difficult to find Chinese, Thai, Mediterranean food restaurants...

What you won't find outside are:

  • Bullits y guisats de peix: typical fish boils and stews that can vary depending on the catch of the day and the season.
  • Slaughter rice: it can be enjoyed between November and March, dates of the slaughters in Ibiza.
  • Sobrasada and butifarra toasted with country bread: a delicatessen within the reach of many and valued by few. The one from Companatge and the one from Carn&Coop are our personal recommendations.
  • La frita de polp: it is a stir-fry of octopus, red potato, onion, and red and green pepper.
  • Nadal sauce: it can only be enjoyed at Christmastime, and it is like a kind of liquid nougat. Don't look for the recipe, just try it (local advice).
  • The Pagés sofrit: It is a mixture of meats, sausages and potatoes that was made to endure the days of work of the slaughterhouses. Now you can enjoy it without having to work so hard.
  • Ossos amb col: The great unknown of Ibizan gastronomy, as it is not easy to find in any restaurant. It consists of boiled pork bones, sobrasada and botifarró, potatoes and cabbage.

In many traditional restaurants of Ibizan descent you can find these dishes.

So we encourage you to eat in Ibiza this season!

Partner restaurants in Ibiza open during the winter

Do you want to eat the island in bites?

Among our members you can still enjoy Mediterranean cuisine at 180º Gastrobar, Roto, Six Senses, Tierra de Ibiza, Café Montesol; traditional cuisine in Ca n’Alfredo, Cana Sofia, Can Curreu, La Brasa, Cas Gasí; or fusion cuisine at Mira, Overall, Re.Art, Tsuma Ibiza, Jara, Hotel Pacha, Cevitxef.

For our part, we look forward to having you join us this winter season to discover the most wintery flavours of Ibiza.

Bon appétit!

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