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The history-laden bottles of Aniseta Liqueurs

The history-laden bottles of Aniseta Liqueurs

Year 1925: the first generations of the family make the decision to set up a small distillery.


Would the brothers Juan and Vicente Ferrer imagine at that time that 100 years later they would enjoy great recognition on the island?

Today we explain everything that makes this family business in an important part of our history.

The origins of this distillery in Ibiza

history aniseta liqueurs

It all started in the small grocery store (owned by their parents) in the Marina neighbourhood, where the two brothers were acquiring a special taste for this hobby.

Soon it became their job, and they began to make Ibizan herbs, stick, vodka, rum, tequila... And in the 70s, the second generation arrives thanks to the interest of Juan and Vicente's nephew.

This fresh air that reaches Licores Aniseta causes a spectacular increase in sales in the 80s, forcing this small company to update and adapt to the needs of customers, producing larger quantities and perfecting its drinks.

In recent years, the third generation has joined the perfect combination of experience and youth. Fernando and David, father and son, carry on the legacy.

Ibizan herbs: the flagship

herbs ibicencas aniseta

Although they manufacture different types of spirits, it is undeniable that part of their reputation is due to the masterful elaboration of our classic Ibizan herbs.

Why are they so important? The recipe for this digestive has been transmitted for more than 200 years among the locals, being one of the star products of the island for decades.

And those of Licores Aniseta have the distinctive seal of Protected Geographical Indication!

This means that they comply with the regulations based on the elaboration and collection of the 15 plants that are part of this liquor.

Definitely, your more than 90 years of hard work and dedication have paid off.

Where to buy Aniseta Liqueurs products?

flor des camp licores aniseta

This Ibizan producer is incredibly popular on the island, so it is common to find his products in local wineries and restaurants.

Anyway, you can buy Ibizan herbs from Licores Aniseta directly in their online store: choose from all their formats!

In addition, you should not miss either the rest of their liqueurs, among which you will find Palo, Flor des Camp, Cafè Caleta, Lemon Liqueur and Rumaniseta.

Do you want to taste the authentic taste of Ibiza?

Eating in Ibiza with local producers

From Eating in Ibiza, we support all those local producers who strive to maintain and promote this important part of our gastronomy.

You can discover more in our list of partners. We're sure you'll find what you're looking for!

Or, discover more restaurant recommendations and local products on our blog.

Enjoy the best food in Ibiza!

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