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The history of coffee in Ibiza that maybe you didn't know

The history of coffee in Ibiza that maybe you didn't know

There are many people who are real fans of coffee, be it black, with milk, latte or slush.

But... Do you know the history of coffee in Ibiza? We'll tell you all about it!

Coffee and health

Image by
Alexa at Pixabay

In addition to the energy properties of caffeine, if consumed in moderation there are many other things you can benefit from, whether during sports, while studying or working, or simply to get you going when you wake up.

Sport and coffee consumption

Caffeine improves concentration and alertness, which decreases reaction time in humans. It also reduces fatigue and increases lipid mobilisation during exercise.

High concentration of antioxidants

These are minerals and vitamins that can be found in food, and are essential for delaying the ageing of tissues and cells, thus preventing diseases, especially cardiovascular and brain diseases.

Including them in your diet is essential, and a simple way to do this is with a cup of coffee.

Caffeine improves attention

The cliché abounds that this drink gives us energy, but in reality it stimulates some areas of the brain which activate cognitive functions, the memory, and in general the way we process information.

You can take it at the start of the day to get you going, or before study sessions or during breaks from work (but don't overdo it!).

The prebiotic effect of coffee

Many of the compounds in coffee are not absorbed and reach the large intestine, where they stimulate the growth of intestinal flora and protective bacteria.

This results in better digestion, weight control and supports the immune system.


And how can you get all these benefits? It's simple:

  • Drink coffee in moderation and responsibly. Consuming more than you need can be counterproductive.
  • It is best consumed as ground coffee beans, as soluble coffee loses most of its properties.
  • Drinking a cup of unsweetened black coffee is best. You can add a non-caloric sweetener if it is too strong or bitter.

The beginnings of Ibiza's leading coffee importer

ground coffee
Image by
Elias Shariff Falla Mardini at Pixabay

One of thebest importers on the island is Cafés Ibiza, with a track record of more than 60 years.

It all started when Vicente Tur decided to emigrate, like most of the Ibizan entrepreneurs. Life took him to Venezuela, where he lived for two years, and it was there that his love for coffee was born.

In 1958, with the tourism boom, he returned home and started his business; at first they roasted coffee in a cave in the Barrio de la Marina and were forced to obtain the beans through smuggling due to the limitations established by the government on the importation of this product.

Unbelievable, isn't it?

From then on, Cafés Ibiza began to become more popular and to winning the hearts of the population of these islands, becoming the main importer and promoter of the coffee culture in Ibiza.

Cafés Ibiza and local produce

cup of coffee cafes ibiza

Have we convinced you to get quality and local coffee?

Thanks to them you will be able to get grains to grind them yourself, bags of pre-ground coffee, or even its format in disposable capsules.

They only import top quality materials, and they are the ones who carry out the roasting in an artisan and daily way so that you can enjoy a perfect aroma and flavour in every cup.

Come and get a taste of the coffee history of Ibiza!

Where to buy Cafés Ibiza products?

You can buy coffee from this Ibizan importer in almost any local shop on the island, or visit their small shop in the centre of the capital.

On our website you can discover the other partners which are engaged in the sale of local product from Ibiza.

From Eating en Ibiza we appreciate your support!

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