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Carn&Coop: Ibiza's livestock tradition

Carn&Coop: Ibiza's livestock tradition

In the past, people from Ibiza lived off what was produced on the land, what was hunted, or what was fished.

With the arrival of tourism in the 60s and the improvement of connections to the mainland, we gradually forgot our roots...

And when all seemed lost, a new livestock cooperative appeared: the first in the Balearic Islands.

The origins

carnadncoop ibizan pig

The members of Carn&Coop decide to join forces to achieve recognition for the porc negre eivissenc (black pork) and the Ibiza rabbit, both fattened with plants and elements typical of the Ibiza countryside.

Why this interest? This type of pig has the fat infiltrated into the meat, which gives it a sublime quality, as well as being an indigenous breed that needs to be preserved.

Hundreds of years ago, their meat was used to produce our most characteristic products such as sobrassada, butifarra... And although it was common to have small herds in the houses, this practice has been lost with the passing of the generations.

The result has been the reduction of the population from 20,000 head to only 10,000 head.

That is reason enough to get organized and try to recover this vital part of our livestock.

The mission

carnandcoop partners

They are not limited to simply achieving recognition of our pig and rabbit breeds.

His intention is to reactivate the livestock sector on the island and to serve as an example to young people: to show that it is also possible to live from livestock farming on Ibiza, not only from the tourism that has landed to establish itself as our main source of income.

At the moment, eight breeders are full members and three more are members as collaborators.

Its intention is to encompass everyone in this sector in Ibiza!

The work

It all starts with their enormous passion for their profession. Even though they dedicate 365 days a year to it, the hard work is rewarded by the gratification of seeing the quality of the final product.

Afterwards, these products are sold both in physical shops and online so that residents and visitors alike can enjoy them and fall madly in love with our most traditional meats and sausages.

What is extensive livestock farming?

carnandcoop sheep

It is a set of production systems that efficiently use the resources of an area with the appropriate species and breeds, ensuring that production is sustainable, and also generating environmental and social services.

A good example is to let native breeds graze on specific sections of fields that are to be cleared of weeds (for example).

This practice is not carried out randomly: grazing mobility strategies are established and use is made of the knowledge of the environment that has been passed down through generations.

A perfect system to enhance biodiversity and conserve our heritage!

Eating in Ibiza with local producers

From Eating in Ibiza, we support all those local producers who strive to maintain and promote this important part of our gastronomy.

You can find out more in our partner list. We are sure you will find what you are looking for!

Or discover more restaurant recommendations and local products in our blog.

Enjoy the best food in Ibiza!


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Fomento del Turismo de la Isla de Ibiza 2022

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