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Peix Nostrum: the Ibizan fishing legacy

Peix Nostrum: the Ibizan fishing legacy

It is a fact that Ibiza has a gastronomic history that lasts through time, allowing us to enjoy today the best dishes of our culture.

Our cuisine is closely linked to the fishermen, since centuries ago they consumed what was obtained from the field or the sea, so the bullit or guisat de peix, the paella and the different types of fried food were common.

This legacy still survives thanks to the two Fishermen's Guilds of Ibiza and San Antonio, which jointly presented the Peix Nostrum brand in 2008.

Today we discover the fundamental role they have been playing for 100 years.

The importance of correct methods

cofradia pescadores ibiza

Peix Nostrum is formed by the professional fishermen of the fishermen's guilds of Ibiza and San Antonio, which have been in existence for more than a century.

Despite modernizing, they continue to be concerned about the environment and overexploitation, so they develop their activity in a healthy way over the years.

This is the reason why the island has the best maintained fishing grounds in the Mediterranean, which were also declared a Marine Reserve in 1999.

Thanks to Ibiza's fishing sector, we have up to 6 of these reserves: the Marine Reserve des Freus of Ibiza and Formentera, Es Vedrà, es Vedranell, Illots de Ponent, Costa Nord-Est d'Eivissa-Tagomago and finally the reserve of Punta de Sa Creu.

According to Peix Nostrum, "professional artisanal fishing is the only way to guarantee the sustainability of the resource and the future of the sector".

The benefits of fish in the diet

dieta pescado ibiza

Being an island, it is natural that fish is a very important part of our diet.

In addition to being a source of protein, it also provides us with fatty acids that reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood and lower blood pressure.

It is also important to add that it provides us with several minerals such as iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and iodine, and contains vitamins A, D and B12.

And if it is of good quality, it allows us to enjoy while we eat!

The quality of the ibicencan fish of Peix Nostrum

pescados peix nostrum

The Fishermen's Guild of the island created the Peix Nostrum brand in 2008 precisely to be able to offer a seal of quality to all its production.

This seal lets consumers know that they are consuming a product from our waters, fished in the traditional way, respecting the environment, and that it is also of the highest quality.

And not only do they offer us these guarantees; they make a great effort to preserve the welfare of the sea that surrounds us and even organize gastronomic fairs all over the island.

Come and eat in Ibiza the best fish!

Where to find Peix Nostrum fish

If you want to get the best Ibizan fish, do not hesitate to consult the list of fishmongers where you can buy Peix Nostrum.

In addition, we encourage you to enjoy it in one of the restaurants on the island.

You can find more information about this and other establishments in our guide of restaurants in Ibiza.

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Fomento del Turismo de la Isla de Ibiza 2022