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Masterclass "Ibiza to perfection"

The CETT lights it's stoves to cook "Ibiza to perfection"

Eating in Ibiza organizes its first Masterclass at the International School of Tourism, Restoration and Gastronomy CETT in Barcelona on March 16th.

The current Ibizencan gastronomy will be represented by chef Óscar Molina and chef José Miguel Bonet.

The Masterclass will start at 16h in the auditorium of CETT with a brief presentation of the Product Club Eating in Ibiza, with the aim of publicizing the working agreement that has created Fomento de Turismo de Ibiza with CETT students, and thus promote the wide variety of gastronomic and professional offer Ibiza has to offer.

This is not only a job opportunity for young talented students, but also for companies to ensure a quality service with trained, professional and creative people in Ibiza, a tourist brand known internationally.

To continue after the presentation, the students will be able to witness the preparation of four dishes by the executive chef of Ibiza Gran Hotel and his most personal proposal La Gaia, Óscar Molina. Afterwards, it will be José Miguel Bonet, executive chef and founder of Es Ventall, who will show the students his four gastronomic proposals.

The event, which has been promoted by Fomento del Turismo de Ibiza and financed by the Consell de Ibiza and Ibiza Travel, aims to promote Ibiza as a benchmark of international gastronomy in Spain, as certified by the 24 Michelin stars that gather several chefs working in the kitchens of the island.

It should be noted that the event will be broadcast from 16h in streaming through the official channels of the International School of tourism, catering and gastronomy CETT which has a platform of 9,000 students and 48,085 followers in social medias . You will also be able to follow it on Youtube, through this link: Masterclass

Here we leave links to the press reporting the first Masterclass Eating in Ibiza: 

Diario de Ibiza
Periodico de Ibiza

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Fomento del Turismo de la Isla de Ibiza 2022