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Now that's what I call Christmas!

Consell Insular d'Eivissa's Department for the Rural and Marine Environment is spearheading a campaign called 'Això Sí és Nadal’ [Now that’s what I call Christmas] to boost the consumption of local products during this Christmas holiday period. The initiative is a continuation of the 'Això Sí és d'Eivissa’ [That really is Ibiza] campaign which has, until now, promoted locally-grown fruit and vegetables during the spring and summer, almonds and home-grown cabbage. Attention is now focused on promoting Christmas products grown or manufactured on Ibiza.

In a presentation held in the Ibiza Trade Fair and Conference Complex, local producers who are part of this initiative had the opportunity to showcase their products: herbs, olive oil, bread, sweets, fish, potatoes, cabbage, chicken, eggs, wine, Christmas sauces, cheeses, sobrasada (traditional, cured, spiced sausage), and other Christmas fare.

The president of the Consell Insular d'Eivissa, Vicent Marí, thanked the producers (whom he called “a vital industry for the provision of food and drink and for the conservation of our environment”) for all their efforts and hard work during this year of the COVID-19 pandemic. He also thanked consumers for the confidence they have shown in local products, “sales of which have been strengthened, despite there having been no tourist season”. So Mr. Marí urged everyone to continue to trust the quality of local produce, “particularly during this festive period, which will be so unlike what we are used to. But we must not lose hope, and so, by being considerate and by observing the health measures in place, we can put this situation behind us, and dream of a 2021 season that will be good for us all”.

The Director for the Rural Environment, Joan Marí, also stated that by buying products from Ibiza, in addition to enjoying high quality and original flavours, we also benefit the conservation of our natural landscape, and nurture the dreams of our small producers and manufacturers who “work so hard day by day to ensure that we can buy the best produce of both land and sea”.

Christmas is a holiday when we cherish and revive traditions; it is one of the great festivals on Ibiza’s calendar, and since it is a festival, we really must have the best food and drink. Our traditional cuisine uses the very finest Ibizan ingredients, which are the basis of dishes such as sofrit pagès (traditional meat-and-vegetable stew), roast lamb, suckling pig, Salsa de Nadal, sponge cake, etc.

During this Christmas holiday, you can obtain all these products (which carry distinctive advertising and labels) from traders participating in the campaign.

Information from el Consell d'Ibiza.

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Fomento del Turismo de la Isla de Ibiza 2022